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What is backlink in SEO?
Aug 10, 2019

backlink is the most used term in the world of SEO. Backlinks are external links to the website. They show the change from one site to another or from one page to another. They help to index the website’s pages accurately.

Backlinks are a vital part of the SEO process. They help search bots to craw to rank site correctly to its content. Each backlink is a component of a ranking puzzle. That’s why every website owner wants to get as much as likely backlinks due to improving the website’s SEO ranking factors. It’s a type of reference or hyperlink used in the text.sed term in SEO.

Advantages of Backlinks in SEO:


Here are some benefits of backlinks


Regular Referral Traffic - Whenever you comment on a site with your link there or a link to your site is placed on some different domain then there are great chances of you receiving the referral traffic to your site from there. So backlinks help you to get the referral traffic which will be excellent for your site.


Jump in Metrics - With the quality backlinks, you not only grow the referral traffic but also the increase in the ranking metrics like DA, PA, TF, CF, etc. And this rise in the metrics will be going to work for you.


Branding & Authority - With the quality backlinks, the parameter of your site goes huge and what that gives the authority to your blog. The quality of backlinks not only gives the authority but it also gives branding to your site. Now how can the authority and branding of your blog benefits you, the branding and authority will give you with some paid post from some big brands in your niche. So this brings the chance to earn more by just writing a sponsored post on your blog.


Relationship Opportunity - When your blog is brand-new, you have to find out the authority blogs to publish a guest post but when your blog receives the authority people will contact you to post their guest post on your blog. This will help you some more money too in case you want a paid guest post to be published on your site. So with the guest post and sponsored post opportunity on your blog, you are open to generate some good relationships with some big brands and fellow bloggers.


Dos and Don’ts




ü  Constantly monitor the DA of the site, it should be minimum 20+ when your site is new. Once you have a DA of 20+ then take that to 30+ at least.

ü  Do monitor the TF of the site if the quality of the site is good only then give it a go.

ü  Regularly check the content whether it is original and quality content or not.

ü  Do Monitor whether the site is penalized by Google or not.

ü  Check how many they are with the article update i.e. do they publish new articles daily or not.

ü  Before proceeding to create a backlink always check whether the site is getting a big amount of traffic or not.

Don’ts -

  • Quantity does not matter so don’t generate huge numbers of backlinks at a time and then rest back.
  • Don’t generate links on a site that is spammy or not with genuine content.
  • Don’t generate links on irrelevant sites e.g. if you have a tech related niche blog then there is no point in creating links from a movie niche blog. Relevancy is necessary for the longer run.
  • Don’t insert the links on the site which contain links or content that is banned by Google like hacks and all.